Hijamah in arabic is derived from ‘Hajm’ which means ‘Sucking’. Cupping / Hijamah is the process of applying cups to various points on the body and removing the air inside the cups to form a vaccum. ‘Bleeding Cupping’ is most often refered to as Sunnah Cupping. It is almost 5000 years old, most frequently used and often the most effective method. A surgical instrument is used to scrape the skin and the cup is then applied to collect the blood.
The results are often fast and impressive, because the body reacts within hours to cupping at the proper location.
Types of Hijamah.
1) Sunnah Hijamah:- Also known as Bleeding Cupping or Wet Cupping. It is the oldest most frequently used and often the most effective method of cupping.
2) Massage Cupping:- Also known as Moving Cupping or Dry Cupping. This is done by applying oil and herbs to skin and moving the cups by a weak suction on the area to be treated.
The goal of cupping is to strengthen or activate the organism’s Self-Healing power, when these are not able to do so on their own. Cupping stimulates snd supports the options that nature has provide the Body with to resist disease.
Is Hijamah Painful?
Hijamah is not painful, it is probably similar to having a Blood Test.
I am not muslim, can I benefit?
Absolutely. Please get in touch.