Sunnah of Hijamah

Hijamah is the Best of Remedies

It was narrated from Jabir the Messenger of Allah said:

“For every diesease there is a remedy and when the remedy is applied to the disease, it is healed by Allah’s leave”. [Saheeh Muslim-5741]

Malik related to Me that he heard the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said:

“If there is a Remedy that will reach the disease, then Hijamah (cupping) will reach it.”

1) Sunnah points on the body

According to many hadith, it indicates that Hijamah was generally performed at the Back Sunnah Points and also to the closest point of pain or area of the body that is causing an issue.

2) What are the best days for Hijamah?

Anas Ibn Maalik (R.A) reported that the Rasool (S.A.W) said:

“Whoever wants to perform Hijamah then let him search for the 17th, 19th and 21st” [Saheeh Sunnah Ibn Maajah – 3486]

In reconciling these it can be said that for Hijamah in strength, the dates are specified. They are the 17th, 19th or the 21st of the Lunar month and the best is when these dates coincide with a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Though there is no prohibition for having this type of Hijamah done on any other day as long as it corresponds with the 17th, 19 and 21st.